Tribune eternalized in his speech
Daniel Cruciol.
Located in Ibirapuera Park, next to the Ibirapuera Auditorium, facing the Monument-Mausoleum to the Constitutionalist Soldier, the sculpture is composed of a bronze piece on a granite pedestal. Made by Luiz Morrone, it was commissioned by a delegation of lawyers, prosecutors and judges. The work that honors the tribune Ibrahim Nobre was inaugurated in 1972, two years after his death, on the occasion of the celebrations of the Constitutionalist Movement of 1932.
Ibrahim de Almeida Nobre (1888 – 1970) was an important figure for the event, he was a jurist and orator. He was part of public rallies and his speeches aimed at bringing more people to the movement – also encouraging Public Force troops to join the revolt. One of his writings, the manifesto-poem ‘Minha Terra, Minha Pobre Terra’ [My Land, My Poor Land], published on January 25, 1931 in the newspaper A Gazeta, represented the civic mindedness of the time. In addition to being the people’s tribune, in 1932 when armed struggle broke out, Ibrahim participated as a private in a battalion fighting troops on the Southern Front.
The bronze monument is a full-body human figure that’s rich in details in both its clothes and features. The figure is represented with movement: there are folds in the fabric, the suit seems to dangle in the air, the raised hand evokes one of his famous speeches. Handfuls of earth from various locations in the state of São Paulo were placed on the sculpture’s pedestal, symbolizing the tribune’s union with his ‘Paulista homeland.’ And the pedestal under the figure of Ibrahim is not very large; at 2 meters high, it is a little above the ground, but not to the point where the viewer loses sight of his figure.
Positioned in front of the Monument-Mausoleum of the Constitutionalist Soldier, Ibrahim Nobre is portrayed in his role as a tribune with one last immortalized speech before his allies in the movement.
- Teresa Navarro Barbosa. “Monumento ao Ibrahim Nobre, o Tribuno da Revolução Constitucionalista de 32”. Blog da Tê, 2015.
- Sergio Brisola. “Escultura Ibrahim Nobre – O Tribuno”. Descubra Sampa, 2018.
- Abrahão de Oliveira. “O tribuno da Revolução – Um Breve Registro de Ibrahim de Almeida Nobre”. São Paulo in Foco, 2015.